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User Experience Design is an incredibly powerful tool which can shape opinion in the blink of eye. Done well, UX design creates positive associations; it transcends politics, and elevates business. You have a mere 1/10th of a second to connect with users... to convince them that you can be trusted, and that you have what they need.
Good UX design greets the user, shakes their hand and urges them onward.

{one tenth of a second}

My name is Dave Feroe.

I create beautiful and intuitive user experiences.


{innovation & exploration}

The churn of professional progress is staggering; I am committed to seeking out industry leaders, discerning fads from trends, and embracing innovation in UX design, HCI and visual design.


I have been awarded Professional UX Certification focusing on Visual Design for Mobile & Tablet, Interaction Design (HCI), and Prototyping & Wireframing. (UXC #1008314)

NNGUCX #1008314

{words to work by}

"Design is essential in today's world. It defines your experiences."

– Bill Buxton

"Good design is unobtrusive... [and] restrained, to leave room for the user's self-expression."

– Dieter Rams

"No detail is too small to bring a smile to your face."

– Charles Eames

"I haven't changed my mind about modernism... it means simplicity; it means clarity."

– Paul Rand

dave feroe design

User Experience Design + Visual Design | 720.238.7720

© 2014. Dave Feroe Design

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